The film follows a group of high school students from Sao Paolo, Brazil on a field trip to the forest, in the state of Mato Grosso. The students first visit businesses with direct impact on the forest, they meet students from a local rural school and then spend time in the Amazon forest to better appreciate its beauty and value. The film was made to promote the workshops put together by the Escola da Amazônia and its pedagogical coordinators Edson Grandisoli and Silvio Marchini.

10 min – 2009 – Portuguese version (no subtitles)

Acknowledgments for the shoot

  • Edson Grandisoli (Escola da Amazonia, pedagogical coordinator)
  • Silvio Marchini  (Escola da Amazonia, general coordinator)
  • Vitoria Da Riva Carvalho (Fundaçäo Ecologica Cristalino)

Acknowledgments for the post-production

  • Frédéric Sanchez del Rio (music composer, guitar, keyboard)
  • Yoann Copinet (technical supervision and video management)
  • Christine Renaud and Marie-Claude Cazin (Tawak Pictures)